I just heard on the Tim Ferriss podcast this book is a favorite of Doug McMillion, Walmart CEO. In the podcast, Doug mentioned the concept and need for shared consciousness.
After reading about shared conciousness (the why) and empowered execution (the what) here, I wonder if the book mentions anything around the “how.” The “how” would be the bridge between the two — a method or how a person executes with certainty that they’re approaching the problem in the right way and meeting team standards for quality.
The “how” are like the principles on how to do work. Principles could include examples like: “good is better than perfect,” “solve for the customer, company, team, then self” or “innovation above consistency.” They are not principles that apply to every company or every team, but could drammatically increase the quality, consistency, and trust within the team if they have better expectations of what “empowered executions” looks like.
Also, big thanks for the write-up!